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Policy on Privacy and Confidentiality:

The Northeastern University School Health Academy (NEUSHA) respects the privacy of users of our online system and follows the welcome statement included in Northeastern University’s Online Privacy Statement, NEUSHA does not use or disclose personal information without your explicit consent. NEUSHA may use your personally identifiable information to inform you of professional learning opportunities. The following information is collected and viewable only by the NEUSHA site administrators:

  • Name
  • Year of birth (YYYY)
  • Address, city, state, postal code and country of residence
  • Home, cellular and other contact telephone numbers
  • Work and/or personal email address
  • Academic credentials
  • National certification
  • Professional License
  • Professional Role
  • Practice Setting
  • Practice Level
  • Profile photograph (not required)

Faculty Disclosure:

The opinions expressed in the educational activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of Northeastern University, School Health Academy. Participants have an implied responsibility to use the newly acquired information to enhance patient outcomes and their own professional development. The authors, sponsors, and publisher of these continuing education programs have made all reasonable efforts to assure that all information contained herein is current and accurate in accordance with Massachusetts Department of Public Health School Health Unit protocols at the time of acceptance for publication.

Fee/Refund Information:

Fee varies according to the program being offered. No Refunds unless we are notified 5 days prior to the program