WHO WE ARE Northeastern University School Health Academy (NEUSHA) is located within Northeastern University School of Nursing, which is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). NEUSHA provides innovative in-person, live-streaming, webinars and recorded online continuing education to school nurses, counselors, health educators, classroom teachers and administrators from 50 states and 32 countries providing more than 38,000 certificates to learners since July 1st, 2016. We continually evaluate professional development needs to provide valuable educational topics. We also frequently partner with other organizations within and outside of Northeastern to offer contact hours to all nurses.
In August 2024, we will engage with school nurses in person and virtually at our annual two-day Summer Academy conference, Cultivating Hope and Kindness in Your School Nursing Practice. Topics include: Mindfulness and Hope: Science and Strategies, Legal Issues in School Nursing Practice, Safety of LGBTQIA+ students, Abdominal Assessment, Endometriosis and more…
In July 2023, we hosted the School Nurse International Conference with 100 school nurses from 10 countries attending school nurse programs for a week in Boston.
From 2020-2022 we provided COVID webinars for school nurses across the country with Northeastern University expert faculty and transitioned our year-long School Nurse Leadership Academy from a hybrid format to fully virtual. More than 180 school nurses have participated in this small cohort Leadership development opportunity since its inception in 2016.

In 2018-2019 we hosted our annual Election Day conference in Marlboro featuring topics such as marijuana laws and the impact on student use, updated concussion guidelines and school nurse advocacy for student safety. In 2017-2018 our in-person programs included hands-on tourniquet training, working with students with anxiety or Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS), preventing student suicides, responding to disclosures of sexual violence, preventing vaping and substance use. and our second year of our 8-part School Nurse Leadership Series.
We believe in:
- supporting school nurses and other school personnel in their efforts to provide evidence-based prevention and management practices to an increasingly diverse, medically-complex student population
- developing, implementing and evaluating quality, engaging learning opportunities that promote the health, safety and achievement of school-aged youth
- fostering a professional and positive practice of respectful, continuous improvement within the organization and for clients we serve
We offer an annual Online Program Package Subscription (choice of any 10 online programs) for $169 pp. We also offer a New School Nurse Orientation Online Subscription Package with 8 standard online programs and 2 individual choices for $169 pp.
For opportunities to collaborate on continuing learning opportunities for school health professionals, or to learn more about our programs, please reach out to us!
NEUSHA phone: (617) 593-0335
Jenny M. Gormley, DNP, MSN, BA, RN, NCSN, FNASN, Director j.gormley@northeastern.edu
Kathleen A. Hassey, DNP, MEd, BA, BSN, RN, Director k.hassey@northeastern.edu
Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
DESE Provider Number 2019U0003
This page has been updated as of 10/12/22