School Nurse Virtual Leadership Academy

REGISTER Here for 2025 Cohort
Monthly workshops with a small cohort
Open to aspiring and experienced school nurses and school nurse administrators. The overall objective is to strengthen leadership confidence, values, and competencies in order to improve student health and achievement.
Outcomes include identifying competencies for improvement and leadership style, creating a plan for professional growth, and demonstrating best practices for leadership.
Drs. Jenny Gormley & Kathy Hassey, experienced School Nurse Leaders/Educators with a combined 46 years of school health experience, are providing this professional learning opportunity for a small cohort of school nurses using ANA/NASN Standards of Practice and best practices for professional development and continuing nursing education.

Total 40 contact hours
All monthly virtual workshop sessions will be 7-8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time, using our Zoom platform. Date and time may change based on cohort member availability.
Contact Hours include individual work on your own schedule and live virtual workshops. Guest speakers will join some of the virtual workshops.
Registration for 2025 Cohort available in October 2024
Topic Title
Developing the Leader in You | January |
Individual consultations | February |
Conflict Management: essential conversations for team building | March |
Tech Talk: using technology effectively | April |
Data is Your Friend: using data to tell your story | April |
Advocacy & Presenting to Your Community: embracing the opportunity | May |
Finance, Budgeting, Grant Writings: bringing power to your practice | June |
Individual/Group consultations | August |
Networking: building relationships for success | September |
Evaluation: making it more than an exercise | October |
Legal Requirements & Policy Development: finding leverage opportunities | November |
Celebrating Expertise | December |
School Nurse Leadership Awarded Badges 2021-2023

School Nurses who participate in all workshops, present a SMARTIE goal and progress to the cohort, and complete online evaluations within 4 weeks of workshops will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Northeastern University School Health Academy and a Northeastern University Digital Leadership Badge.
Northeastern University School of Nursing provides 40 contact hours for the full series of monthly workshops and independent work.

Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on accreditation.
Massachusetts DESE PDP Provider Number 2016U018
Purchase Orders accepted; contact Kathy Hassey,
Cancellation/administrative processing fee: $50.00 Planners and Speakers have no conflict of interest to declare.
Presenters will share any changes to conflict of interest and commercial support prior to workshops.

“This academy has helped me grow as a leader and also has revealed the things I have been doing right. Growth is recognizing your strengths as well as developing new skills. Really, thank you very much Jenny and Kathy. It has truly been a pleasure! ” (2023 Leadership Academy cohort)
“Being able to connect with nurses around the country and share not only our struggles but our triumphs was truly empowering. Everyone’s willingness to share their ideas and materials was so helpful. You feel that you are in this together. Jenny and Kathy are inspiring leaders and I hope to work with them in the future! ” (2023 Leadership Academy cohort)
“Jenny and Kathy, I thank you very much for this series of classes. You are both such valuable mentors and have a great amount of knowledge in the field of school nursing! It was nice to meet other school nurses from around the country and compare notes and practices. I truly appreciate the time you gave to each of us individually to go over our resume, bios, and SMARTIE goals. I have learned so much and have enjoyed getting to know you better. You are both such valuable leaders for school nursing!” (2023 Leadership Academy Cohort)

“Thank you for being a bright spot in my career. I may have had days when I left my building tired but I always left our meetings energized and feeling positive. I really enjoy the collegiality and chances to share with and support peers.” (Participant in Leadership Series Cohort 1)
“I absolutely loved this series and gained a huge amount of knowledge. VERY HELPFUL! ” (Participant in Leadership Series Cohort 1)
Updated March 27, 2024