Online Program

Lessons from School Nurses Teaching Health Virtually during COVID-19


9 presenters COVID webinar virtual health teaching (1)

This online program is a recorded webinar from June 11, 2020.  Nine school nurses (5 elementary, 2 middle school, 1 high school and one nursing director) present on how they have taught health online with their students during this pandemic using different formats and strategies.             Length: 2 hours


Cost: Free

Contact Hours 0


After completing this program, the learner should be able to:

1.    Be able to articulate that health teaching is a standard of practice for the school nurse –

2.     Be able to describe how health teaching fits into the NASN 21st Century Framework for School Nursing Practice –

3.     Be able to identify best practices

4.     Be able to identify supports and barriers to teaching health virtually

5.     Report increased knowledge about using virtual health teaching strategies

6.     Report increased confidence for using virtual health teaching strategies


Presenter Bios in the Resource Section

Presenter Disclosure Statement:

The planners of this educational activity have no conflict of interest to declare. The speakers have no conflict of interest to declare unless otherwise indicated prior to their presentations.

Continuing Education Information:

Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurse Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.ANCC Logo Jing

MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education  Provider Number 2019U003

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