Online Program
15. COVID-19: MA School Nurses Experiences with Test and Stay Protocols in Schools
Dr. Westyn Branch Elliman discusses the MA COVID Test and Stay program. Three Nurse Leaders, Cathryn Hampson, Mary Ellen Duggan and Karen Rufo discuss how Test and Stay in working in their schools and what the barriers/challenges have been and lessons learned. This is a recorded webinar from October 14, 2021.
No contact hours Cost: FREE Length: 75 minutes
Cost: Free
Contact Hours 0.0
Learning Outcome (s) As a result of participating in this educational activity:
1. School nurses will be able to describe the COVID-19 Test and Stay program to keep students in school during the pandemic.
2. School nurses will be able to identify the benefits of the COVID-19 Test and Stay program to keep students in school during the pandemic.
3. School Nurses will be able to identify the challenges of the COVID-19 Test and Stay program.
Presenter: Presenter Disclosure Statement:
The planners of this educational activity have no conflict of interest to declare. The speakers have no conflict of interest to declare unless otherwise indicated prior to their presentations.
Continuing Education Information:
Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Provider Number 2019U003