Online Program

Love Hurts: Trends in Adolescent Dating Violence


Christie Rizzo, PhD., discusses teen dating violence trends, recognition, and interventions at the NEUSHA 2017 Summer Academy. Created 12/1/17. Reviewed 12/1/2020.


Cost: Free

Contact Hours 0


After viewing this program, participants should be able to:
  1.  Identify the risk factors that might lead teens to be in an unhealthy relationship.
  2.  Understand the possible interventions and programs available.
  3.  Recognize the impact of technology on teen dating issues.


Dr. Christie Rizzo

Christie J. Rizzo, Associate Professor of Applied Psychology, earned a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Southern California. She completed her internship in Clinical Psychology at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School and her postdoctoral fellowship in Clinical Psychology at the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies (CAAS) at Brown University. Dr. Rizzo was previously the Assistant Director of the Juvenile Mental Health Clinic at the Rhode Island Family Court. Dr. Rizzo’s research focuses on the development and implementation of evidence-based, violence and risk behavior prevention programming for youth, including technology-based initiatives. Her prevention work centers around the use of skills-based approaches to both reduce risk and promote resilience among our most vulnerable youth including those involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. 

Presenter Disclosure Statement:

The Northeastern University School Health Academy and the speaker have no relevant financial relationships to declare and did not receive commercial support for developing, implementing, or evaluating this online program.

Continuing Education Information:

Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurse Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (ANCC)
You will receive your Certificate after completing the online evaluation at the conclusion of the program.

MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education  Provider Number 2016U018

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