Online Program

Skin Cancer Prevention in Youth: A Health Curriculum to Combat the Most Common Cancer

Get ready for Spring/Summer and learn about trends in skin cancer mortality and morbidity, factors that affect UV intensity, skin sensitivity, proper sun protection, and skin cancer assessment.
Maryellen Maguire-Eisen MSN, RN is Executive Director of the Children’s Melanoma Prevention Foundation, which seeks to teach children and nurses about sun protection and skin cancer prevention. Created 4/5/19. Reviewed 12/11/22.


Cost: $ 0.00

Contact Hours 1.0


Learning Outcome (s) After this program, nurses will be able to:

  1. Identify the epidemiologic trends in skin cancer mortality and morbidity.
  2. Examine the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer
  3. Describe the factors that affect UV intensity, skin sensitivity, proper sun protection, and skin cancer assessment.
  4. Identify key elements of the SunAWARE K-12 curriculum and accompanying resources.



Maryellen Maguire-Eisen MSN, RN
Children’s Melanoma Prevention Foundation

Maryellen Maguire-Eisen MSN, RN was the Executive Director Children’s Melanoma Prevention Foundation.  She is the founder and chief executive officer of a non-profit educational foundation that seeks to teach children and nurses about sun protection and skin cancer prevention. Responsibilities include program design and implementation, teaching, strategic planning, fundraising, research, networking, evaluation, and personnel management. Published multiple peer-reviewed articles on prevention and early detection of skin cancer. Maryellen is a Nurse Practitioner who worked at South Shore Skin Center, Plymouth, Massachusetts and her responsibilities included management of general dermatologic problems with a sub-specialization in skin oncology including included diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of side effects and disease states. She also coordinated the mole mapping program and developed collaborative practice protocols and educational tools. Provided community outreach education in local schools and taught skin cancer education to nurses locally and nationally.

Presenter Disclosure Statement:

The speaker and the educational planners have no Conflict of Interest to declare.

There is no Commercial Support for this program.

Continuing Education Information:

Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.ANCC Logo Jing
Your will receive your Certificate after completing the online evaluation at the conclusion of the program.


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