Online Program

Session #3 School Nurses in the Age of Coronavirus: Self Compassion and Well-Being: Finding Compassion in the Distancing



Cost: Free

Contact Hours 0


Upon completion of this session, participants will:

·      Define the self-protective benefits of compassion 

·      Describe how to be present for students, staff, and colleagues

·      Develop actions that enhance compassion and empathy-building.


Donna Gaffney pic (1)  Donna Gaffney, DNSc, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN

Donna is a nurse, psychotherapist, author, and educator, and has long addressed a wide range of life-altering experiences in the lives of children and families—loss, trauma, and stress. She has counseled professionals, young people, and schools in the aftermath of individual and national tragedies — 9/11, Sandy Hook, and Hurricane Katrina.  In addition to academic papers, Donna is the author of The Seasons of Grief, Helping Children Grow Through Loss. She taught at Columbia University School of Nursing and holds master’s degrees from Teachers College, Columbia University; Rutgers University, and a doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania. Her post-doctoral work includes the Prudential Fellowship for Children and the News at Columbia Journalism School. Donna consults for the New York Life Foundation and the Resilient Parenting for Bereaved Families Program at Arizona State University.

Presenter Disclosure Statement:

The educational planners and the presenter have no Conflict of Interest to declare.

Continuing Education Information:

Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.ANCC Logo Jing

MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education  Provider Number 2019U003

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