Online Program

Section 504 During COVID: How are we supporting students?


Screen Shot 2021-01-25 at 9-51-13 AMMarie DeSisto MSN, RN, NCSN discusses Section 504 in general as well as during the pandemic during remote teaching. The school and school nurse still have 504 responsibilities.  Marie is former 504 Coordinator and Director of Nurses for the Waltham Public Schools in Massachusetts (MA) and, prior to these roles, worked as a school nurse in Framingham, MA. This program was created from a webinar recorded on 2/04/2021.

Contact hours: 0          Cost:                 Length: 75 minutes


Cost: Free

Contact Hours 0


After the program, participants should be able to:

1. Describe the school’s responsibilities for students with Section 504 plans during a pandemic.

2. Identify the school nurses’ responsibilities to students with Section 504 plans during the pandemic.

3. The SN’s role in Section 504 accommodations in a pandemic.


Marie DeSisto MSN, RN, NCSN is the former 504 Coordinator and Director of Nurses for the Waltham Public Schools in Massachusetts (MA) and, prior to these roles, worked as a school nurse in Framingham, MA.  For many years, Marie taught a graduate-level Legal/Ethics course at Cambridge College in Boston, MA, and continues to teach School Nursing Administration in this Master of Education program for school nurses.  She is Past President of the Massachusetts School Nurse Organization and former Director from MA to the National Association of School Nurses.  Marie has authored and co-authored several publications on school nursing, administration, and school health, including the 2014 Cost-Benefit Study for School Nursing Services.  She serves on the Advisory Group for the Northeastern University School Health Academy.  Marie earned her bachelor’s degree at Northeastern University and her master’s degree at Regis College.

Presenter Disclosure Statement:

The planners of this educational activity have no conflict of interest to declare. The speakers have no conflict of interest to declare unless otherwise indicated prior to their presentations.

Continuing Education Information:

Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.ANCC Logo Jing

MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education  Provider Number 2019U003

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