Online Program
A Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program: Recognition and Prevention Strategies for School Nurses
Cost: Free
Contact Hours 0
Learning Outcome (s) As a result of participating in this educational activity, participants will be able to:
1. Recognize the prevalence of youth suicide in the US and MA
2. Identify the negative mental health effects of COVID on youth
3. Describe warning signs, risk factors and protective factors regarding suicide in youth
For 16 years, Debbie Helms has been the director of Samaritans of Merrimack Valley, a program of Family Services of the Merrimack Valley. Samaritans is a suicide prevention and postvention center. Debbie is a member of the Executive Committee for the MA Suicide Coalition for Suicide Prevention, co-chair of the Northeast Coalition for Suicide Prevention, and is a certified instructor in many suicide prevention and postvention trainings. She is also a trained Psychological First Aid and Crisis Intervention responder.
Presenter Disclosure Statement:The planners of this educational activity have no conflict of interest to declare. The speakers have no conflict of interest to declare unless otherwise indicated prior to their presentations.
Continuing Education Information:
Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Provider Number 2019U003