Online Program
Annual NU SON Future of Nursing Event: Leading in the Community and Supporting our Vulnerable Populations
Cost: Free
Contact Hours 0.0
At the end of the educational activity, nurse participants will know and be able to:
1. Describe the current state of homelessness as a public health crisis in the United States
2. Identify impactful strategies for breaking the cycle of homelessness and advancing health in this vulnerable population
3. Discuss Describe evidence/elements of successful nurse leadership in community-based healthcare
4. Reflect on opportunities for nurses, nursing students, and alumni to become involved with community-based healthcare
Dr. Pooja Bhalla, DNP, RN is a graduate of Simmons College of Nursing, where she received her BSN in 1997. She received her master’s in leadership, health policy, and nursing administration from Northeastern University and also received her doctorate in nursing practice at Northeastern University, and her research focus is on “Emerging Leaders and Homeless Health Care.”
Pooja was formerly the COO of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. the largest nonprofit health care organization for homeless individuals in the country. The nonprofit program is devoted to providing medical care to one of the city’s most vulnerable populations and under her leadership, the organization provided health care to over 12,500 homeless men, women and children in the greater Boston area at over 50 different sites. Since 1997 she led the efforts in establishing shelter clinics throughout the city of Boston to bring health care to homeless individuals. Today the program operates over 50+ clinics throughout the city. Throughout her tenure, Dr. Bhalla has focused on bringing innovative practice models of care such as walk-in access for behavioral health and medical visits and access to preventive care measures.
In 2017, she joined the Illumination Foundation a program that serves homeless individuals and families across Orange County, LA County and the Inland Empire. As the COO, she oversees all program operations, development and implementation of quality wrap around services including health care and permanent housing. Recently she led the efforts in obtaining the recent county contract to create a supportive housing program for homeless individuals displaced from the riverbed.
Since 2002, Dr. Bhalla has been a member of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council and chair for the steering committee of the Clinicians Network and a board member of the Council. A graduate of UCLA’s, Johnson and Johnson Health Care Executive Program, Dr. Bhalla has served on the faculty of Simmons College and Northeastern University and has published and lectured on the impact of homelessness on health and access to care for vulnerable populations.
Presenter Disclosure Statement:The planners and presenters have no relevant financial relationships to declare. No commercial support was received for this program.
Continuing Education Information:
Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Provider Number 2019U003