- COVID Teaching, Tracing, Testing and Vaccinating – an updated graphic!by Jenny Gormley, DNP, MSN, BA, RN, NCSNSix months ago, Kathy and I described in this blog how school nurses were juggling teaching, tracing, and testing responsibilities in schools. We shared links to resources from our colleagues, including blog posts by NJ School Nurse Robin Cogan in NJ and a NASN School Nurse article by MA School Nurse Liz Flaherty. We encouraged… Read more: COVID Teaching, Tracing, Testing and Vaccinating – an updated graphic!
- Why are School Nurses always asked to volunteer?by Kathy Hassey, DNP, M.Ed, BSN, BA, RNAs a nurse of 39 years, I have often asked this question of myself and of my nurse colleagues. We know when there is a crisis, we will step up to do what is within our professional scope of practice. Nurses gladly volunteer their expertise often, serving on professional boards, school boards, volunteering in our… Read more: Why are School Nurses always asked to volunteer?
- Do you believe direct service School Nurses are Leaders?by Jenny Gormley, DNP, MSN, BA, RN, NCSN76% say Yes! We asked school nurses, administrators, counselors, teachers and others this question in our Feb. 8th newsletter mailing. 875 people participated in this simple poll. 76% responded “Yes” that direct service school nurses are leaders. Are you curious about the 12% who said they were “Not Sure”? How about the other 12% who… Read more: Do you believe direct service School Nurses are Leaders?
- School Nurses and 3 T’s of COVID: Teaching, Tracing, and Testingby Jenny Gormley, DNP, MSN, BA, RN, NCSNThat giant COVID ball you’re now juggling along with your usual school nursing practice balls? It’s made up of several not so small balls, including Teaching, Tracing, and Testing. We hear the challenges of School Nurses juggling with this new outsized ball called COVID. Teaching All of you are teaching students, families, staff about ways… Read more: School Nurses and 3 T’s of COVID: Teaching, Tracing, and Testing
- As a School Nurse, how many more balls can you juggle successfully during COVID?by Jenny Gormley, DNP, MSN, BA, RN, NCSNIn a typical day before COVID, your demands as a School Nurse included providing and coordinating care for students with medical challenges, collaborating with public health officials to prevent communicable disease and chronic health conditions, and leading preventive health and quality improvement efforts in schools. You have been responsible for the health and safety of… Read more: As a School Nurse, how many more balls can you juggle successfully during COVID?