Online Program
Ukrainian Crisis Impact on Refugee Youth
Cost: $ 20.00
Contact Hours 1.75
Learning Outcomes:
- Identify key issues in the Ukraine crisis for families and school communities: trauma, developmental ages of children
- Describe the experience of nurses working with families impacted by the Ukraine crisis
- Describe the experience of parents impacted by the Ukraine crisis
- Identify strategies and resources for school nurses and teams working with families impacted by the Ukraine crisis
Speaker Bios
Presenter Disclosure Statement:The planners of this educational activity have no conflict of interest to declare. The speakers have no conflict of interest to declare unless otherwise indicated prior to their presentations.
There was no commercial support for this program.
Continuing Education Information:
Northeastern University School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Provider Number 2019U003