NEUSHA Online Programs

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Online Program Package Subscription
10 online program package 1 year subscription
Online Program Package apple WordArt
Choice of 10 School Health Specific Online Programs for $179, choose now or as you go and finish within one year!
Up to a 50% discount for max 28 contact hours!

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New School Nurse Orientation Program

New School Nurse ORIENTATION Program Package Subscription

New SN Orientation

These are NOT the DPH/DESE programs that are needed for MA School Nurse Licensure.  These are programs that any new school nurse or per diem nurse can take to familiarize themselves with the specialty role.

For NEW school nurses and per diem school nurses
8 Online Orientation Programs PLUS 2 choices for $169
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Patrick Gill Trauma Symposium for Nurses, EMS and Physicians

Patrick Gill pic The 9th Annual Patrick Gill Memorial Trauma Symposium for nurses, EMS, firefighters and physicians was held on November 5, 2024.  The topics covered were Sexual Assault and Trauma, Cardiac Injury and Commotio Cordis, Pre-hospital Blood Administration, Drowning and Submersion, Intentional Trauma, Medicolegal Issues, Organ Donation update and Severe Burns and Smoke Inhalation.  Excellent information for all nurses.

**This package counts as 4 programs if you choice it within the Online Program Package.

Contact Hour(s): 4.5 Cost: $79.00 Length of Program: 4.5 hours
Date Created/Reviewed: Date Expires: 2027-11-19

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Summer Academy 2024: Cultivating Hope and Kindness in Your School Nursing Practice

1 1 24 SA pics 1 24 pics

This package includes seven of the presentations from Summer Academy 2024: Cultivating Hope and Kindness in Your School Nursing Practice. Presentations include: Shining Light on Youth Emotional Wellness: Understanding, Supporting, and Empowering K-12 Students, Cultivating Calm: The Science of Mindfulness, Assessment of Common Orthopedic Injuries in School, Abdominal Assessment for School Nurses, Kindness, School Medicaid, and Promoting Healthy Outcomes for LGBTQ students.

       Contact Hours: 8.6                 Cost: $149                 Length: 8.6 hours

This package counts for 6 programs if you are adding to an Online Program Package.

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Advances in Endometriosis: Diagnosis and Treatments 2024

1 Kip pic Dr Kip MacKenzie, OBGYN, discusses the history of non-diagnosis and misdiagnosis for years in the medical field regarding Endometriosis. He explains the physiology behind the condition and the treatments that are successful and not-successful.  Dr. MacKenzie describes the gender inequality for this condition.  He also discusses signs and symptoms that can begin before a first period, what to watch out for and how to refer to an Endometriosis provider.  Resources are given in the Resource section.  You also can view Below the Belt film in this program. This webinar was an IPE program for school nurses and pharmacists held on September 24, 2024.

Contact Hour(s): 2.5 Cost: $35.00 Length of Program: 2.5 hours
Date Created/Reviewed: 2024-09-25 Date Expires: 2027-09-25

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Concussion Management module for Rhode Island School Nurses 2025

1 RI Concussion speakers This is the 8th module for the Orientation of Rhode Island School Nurses.  It is on Concussion Management in Schools. The speakers from Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) discuss the signs and symptoms of concussion, prevelance, statistics as well as concussion management for return to academics and return to play. They include many resources for the school nurses in this presentation including the Rhode Island Sports Concussion Law and the Rhode Island TBI Registry.

Contact Hour(s): 1 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2025-01-06 Date Expires: 2028-01-06

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IEP and 504: What School Nurses Need to Know

Ellen McCabe picture Ellen McCabe, PhD, RN, PNP-BC, NCSN, FNASN, Assistant Professor Hunter College, Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, describes the IDEA, 504 and IEP as it applies to school nursing.  School nurses will be able to identify the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) resources for supporting their work with students who have IEPs and 504s.

Contact Hour(s): 1 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2024-10-31 Date Expires: 2027-10-31

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Patrick Gill Trauma Symposium for Nurses, EMS and Physicians

Patrick Gill pic The 9th Annual Patrick Gill Memorial Trauma Symposium for nurses, EMS, firefighters and physicians was held on November 5, 2024.  The topics covered were Sexual Assault and Trauma, Cardiac Injury and Commotio Cordis, Pre-hospital Blood Administration, Drowning and Submersion, Intentional Trauma, Medicolegal Issues, Organ Donation update and Severe Burns and Smoke Inhalation.  Excellent information for all nurses.

**This package counts as 4 programs if you choice it within the Online Program Package.

Contact Hour(s): 4.5 Cost: $79.00 Length of Program: 4.5 hours
Date Created/Reviewed: 2024-11-19 Date Expires: 2027-11-19

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PSNI 24 Your Best Shot at Increasing Access to Vaccines: An Overview of School Based Vaccine Clinic Models

1 Dawn HansonDawn Hanson, MSN, RN, SANE-A presents on this PSNI webinar on setting up a school based vaccine clinic in your schools.  She makes suggestions about getting administration buy-in and who your partners could be to implement this in your school for your students and staff. There is a NASN article with School Located Clinic suggestions as well. (PSNI customers, please check with PSNI Zoey Yamamoto at for the FREE access code).

                             Contact hour: 0.5          Cost: $10         Length: 30 mins

Contact Hour(s): 0.5 Cost: $10.00 Length of Program: 30 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2024-09-16 Date Expires: 2027-09-16

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PSNI Tick Borne Diseases: Just One Bite Can Change the Future

Sandi picFor this PSNI recorded webinar, Sandi Delack M.Ed., BSN, RN, NCSN-E, FNASN, provides information on tick-borne diseases, areas of concern and the long term consequesnces of tick bites.  She also demonstrates the proper technique to remove a tick as well as prevention strategies to avoid tick bites.

Contact Hour(s): 0.5 Cost: $10.00 Length of Program: 30 mins
Date Created/Reviewed: 2025-01-29 Date Expires: 2028/01/29

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PSNI: Ethics at the Heart of School Nursing

   This 1  Refugee pics PSNI webinar from December 19, 2024 is on Ethics in School Health presented by Jennifer Norton MSN, RN, NCSN and Amber Abreu, M.Ed.  They present the definition of ethics and the ethical issues in school health . (PSNI customers, please check with PSNI Zoey Yamamoto at for the FREE access code).

Contact Hour(s): 0.5 Cost: $10.00 Length of Program: 30 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2025-01-06 Date Expires: 2028-01-06

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PSNI: The Effects of Stigmatizing Language on School Health

Kimberly- Garrett pic Kimberly Garrett BSN, RN, LSN, NCSN presents for PSNI on Stigmatizing Language in the School setting. How we speak with and about students can impact their accessing healthcare.  We also need to be aware of how we document as well and not use stigmatizing language. This PSNI webinar was recorded in February, 2025.

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Refugee and Immigrant Health – PSNI webinar

1  Refugee picsMany communities are welcoming immigrant and refugee families who enroll children in school. How do we identify, prioritize, and address the unique health needs of this population? Join us for a discussion to answer these questions and learn about practical and valuable resources that will help School Nurses ensure optimal health for learning. PSNI webinar Refugee and Immigrant Health is presented by Jennifer Norton MSN, RN, NCSN and Amber Abreu, M.Ed.  They present facts and myths, history and data and how schools can support refugee and immigrant families. (PSNI customers, please check with PSNI Zoey Yamamoto at for the FREE access code).

                         Cost:  $10            Contact hour: 0.5.                Length: 30 mins

Contact Hour(s): 0.5 Cost: $10.00 Length of Program: 30 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2024-10-17 Date Expires: 2027-10-21

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2022 NEUSHA Summer Academy

2022 NEUSHA Summer Academy

No School Nurse is an Island….But We Deserve a Vacation on an Island!

beach chairs

Learning outcomes:

  • Describe characteristics of successful partnership for successful health and wellness
  • Identify signs and symptoms of potential disordered eating in youth and resources to support students at risk
  • Identify latest evidence on supports and barriers to a safe school environment for students identifying as LGBTQIA
  • Identify best practices for school nurses managing these cardiac conditions:  chest pain, syncope, SVT, CHD and exercise, familial heart disease, COVID vaccination myocarditis, COVID MISC
  • Describe how sleep impacts mental health of students and strategies to recognize and address sleep deficits
  • Identify current trends in substance use/abuse in youth & best practices for working with students
  • Describe violence as a public health issue and strategies for school nurses to support students impacted by gun violence in schools


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1 Panel

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Topics (8.5 Contact Hours)

  • Pediatric Cardiac Emergencies and COVID impact on Youth
  • Hiding in Plain Sitea; Cracking the Code of the Youth Mental Health Crisis
  • What Collaborations Worked and How They Worked During COVID
  • Safe Environments for LGBTQ Students
  • Disordered Eating and Impact of a Pandemic
  • Substance Use/Abuse Issues and Assessment Tips

                 Contact hours: 8.5           Cost: $169         Hours: 8.5 hours

* If adding to an Online Program Package, this program counts as 5 programs.*

This online program was developed with selected recordings from the live 2022 Summer Academy on August 8-9. 2022.  The program expires August 7, 2025.

Contact Hour(s): 8.5 Cost: $169.00 Length of Program: 8,5 hours
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-08-25 Date Expires: 2025-08-25

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2023 School Nurse International Conference Package


 School Nurse International Conference Package

Held in Boston, July 2023

11 Presentations for $125       11.5 Contact Hours

a 46% discount!

Topics include: A Global Overview of the Status of Adolescent & Youth Health & Wellbeing (WHO), A Public Health Approach to Ending Gun Violence Against Children- Experiences from a U.S. School Nurse’s Health Office, Long COVID/POTS/MECFS in Children, Assessing the Needs of Survivors of Female Genital Mutilation, CDC Report on Adolescent Health in the US, Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health & Access to Care, DEI Panel for School Nurses, Endometriosis:What School Nurses Should Know, WHO Global Mental Health for Adolescents and WHO Violence/Maltreatment of Children.

Contact Hour(s): 11.5 Cost: $125.00 Length of Program: 11.5 hours
Date Created/Reviewed: 2023-09-14 Date Expires: 2026-09-14

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A Global Overview of the Status of Adolescent & Youth Health & Wellbeing (WHO)

1 Valnetina picDr. Valentina Baltag is the head of the Adolescent and Young Adult Health unit in the Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health and Ageing in WHO’s HQ in Geneva. She discusses the health of adolescents across the globe ages 10-19 and how school health and school nurses play a central role in identifying risk factors and protective factors for our adolescents.  This presentation was given at the School Nurse International Conference in Boston, July 17, 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2023-09-03 Date Expires: 2026-09-03

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A Public Health Approach to Ending Gun Violence Against Children- Experiences from a U.S. School Nurse’s Health Office

A Robin pic Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN, FNASN, FAAN, discusses the state of injuries/death to US children and teens due to firearms.  Robin addresses this as a Public Health issue that all school nurses should be aware of and take part in a harm reduction model with educaiton about safe storage. She discusses the drivers of firearm injuries as well. This presentation was given at the School Nurse International Confernce in Boston, July 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2023-09-12 Date Expires: 2026-09-12

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A Recognition of Long COVID, ME/CFS/POTS in Students for School Nurses

Dr. Peter RoweDr. Peter Rowe, Director, Children’s Center Chronic Fatigue Clinic and Professor of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins describes the signs and symptoms of Long COVID in children/adolescents and how similar they are to ME/CFS/POTS.  He also discusses treatment modalities. Many of his referral come from school nurses. This presentation was given at the School Nurse International Conference in Boston in July 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2023-09-07 Date Expires: 2026-09-07

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Abdominal Assessment For School Nurses 2024

Karen Rufo MS, RN, PPCP-BC presents abdominal assessment skills for school nurses. Please refer to the Resources for specific charts and posters. Presented at Summer Academy 2024.

 Contact hours: 1.25          Cost: $25          Length: 75 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.25 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 75 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2024-08-16 Date Expires: 2027-08-16

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Access to Reproductive Health Care: Best Practices Roundtable

1 Best Practices Mynette Shifman, Justine Uhlenbrock and Greg West discuss best practices as a school nurse, nurse educator and as a health educator in dealing with reproductive health issues with students.  This pressentation is from the November 8, 2022 conference.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-12-06 Date Expires: 2025-12-06

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Access to Reproductive Health Care: Current Status of Access to Reproductive Healthcare for Underage Students

1 Current speakers picThis program regarding Current Status of Access to Reproductive  Healthcare for Underage students was presented at the 7th Annual November Conference, November 8, 2022. With Dr. Kathy Simmonds as moderator, we hear from Elizabeth Nash, MMP, BA (Guttmacher Institute), Christie Pitney, MSN, RN, WHNP-BC, Melissa Shube, JD (The Lawyering Project) and Robin Watkins, (Power to Decide ) regarding present access to reproductive healthcare issues for students.

Contact Hours: 2                        Cost: $30                           Length: 2 hours

Contact Hour(s): 2.0 Cost: $30.00 Length of Program: 120 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-12-02 Date Expires: 2025-12-02

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Access to Reproductive Health Care: Supporting underage students healthy choices with an evidence-based sex education curriculum

1 Jamie BethMA Senator Jamie Eldridge and Beth William Breault EdD, discuss the state of health education regarding reproductive rights for students.  The most current laws and educational concepts are discussed.  This presentation was part of the Reproductive Health conference on November 8, 2023.

                              Contact Hours: .75           Cost: $15            Length: 45 mins

Contact Hour(s): 1.25 Cost: $15.00 Length of Program: 75 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-12-04 Date Expires: 2025-12-04

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Access to Reproductive Health Care: Supporting Underage Students Who are Pregnant and Parenting

Benita Cami

Benita Miller, JD, Executive Director of Powerful Families, Powerful Communities and Cami Anderson, founder and CEO of Thirdway Solutions discuss pregnant and parenting teens and how educational structure can hinder or support these students for academic success. This is a presentation from the November 8, 2023 conference on Reproductive Healthcare.

                           Contact hours: 1                       Cost: $20                 Length: 1 hour

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-12-03 Date Expires: 2025-12-03

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Addressing the Needs of Survivors of Female Genital Mutilation-Cutting

1 Mildrine

SANE nurse Mildrine Tulysse and Catherine Cox the U.S. Programs Coordinator for Sahiyo presented regarding female genital mutilation.  They discuss where in the world and in the US this is occuring.  They also give resources for school nurses for referrals and support.  This presentation was given on July 19, 2023 at the School Nurse International Conference in Boston.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2023-09-02 Date Expires: 2026-09-02

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Adolescent Alcohol Use and Misuse: Trends and Interventions

1 Rob Leeman Pic

Dr. Rob Leeman discusses the trends of adolescent alcohol use and misuse.  He also describes newer interventions using technology/apps for adolescent to use for self-evaluation. Dr. Leeman discusses the increase in heavy alcohol use by adolescents. This webinar was held on April 6, 2023.

Contact Hours: 1.25               Cost: $10               Length: 1 hour, 15 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.25 Cost: $10.00 Length of Program: 75 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2023-04-06 Date Expires: 2026-04-06

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Adolescent Health: Highlighting National US/CDC Data & Prevention Strategies for US Adolescents

1 Kathleen and CarmenDr Kathleen Ethier and  Carmen Ashley from the CDC Adolescent Health Unit discuss the Youth Risk Behavior survey including results onsexual behaviors, substance use, experience of violence, mental health and suicidality and LGBTQ inclusivity.  They also discussed the CDC “What Works in Schools” program. This presentation was given at the School Nurse International Conference in Boston on July 17, 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2023-09-08 Date Expires: 2026-09-08

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Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health & Access to Care

1 Kathy Simmons picKathy Simmonds, PhD, MPH, RN, WHNP-BC discusses the current state of reproductive healthcare for adolescents in the US and globally. She addresses the impact of new laws and regulations on adolescent reproductive health care. She also discuses the issue of human trafficking.   This presentation was given at the School Nurse International Conference in Boston, July 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2023-09-11 Date Expires: 2026-09-11

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Assessment of Common Orthopedic Injuries in Schools

1 TyleeTylee Schraufnagel, MS, ATC, Chelsea Public Schools’s Athletic Trainer discusses common orthopedic injuries school nurses may see in the school setting.  She discusses injuries of the hand, elbow, shoulder, knee and ankle.  Tylee also presents what needs immediate assessment and other treatments. This presentation was given on August 7, 2024 at the NEUSHA Summer Academy.

                 Contact hours: 1                 Cost: $25                     Length: 60 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2024-08-18 Date Expires: 2027-08-18

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Asthma: Medications and Treatments for Youth

Beth Klements pic

Elizabeth Klements MS, RN, PPCNP-BC, AE-C discusses the physiology of asthma and presents treatment options and various inhaler types for students with asthma.  She presents information about SMART Therapy and gives excellent resources for videos and handouts for student and family education. This is a recorded webinar from February 23, 2022.

             Contact hours: 1            Cost: $20          Length: 60 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-02-23 Date Expires: 2025-02-23

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Asthma: SMART Therapy & More: NIH 2020 Asthma Clinical Guideline Update

1 Robyn Cohen Dr. Robyn Cohen of Boston Medical Center presents and discusses SMART Therapy (Single Maintenance and Reliever Therapy) options for asthma treatment.  She also discusses the updated NHBLI Asthma Treatment Guidelines. This presentation was a webinar for the Boston Public School Nurses on February 7th, 2024.  This presentation is FREE for all Massachusetts School Nurses through a DPH grant.

         Contact hours: 1.25.             Cost: $20             Length of program: 75 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.25 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 75 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2024-02-21 Date Expires: 2027-02-21

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Children’s Vision – What School Nurses Need to Know

Dr. Bruce Moore, OD, Professor Emeritus at the New England College of Optometry, and Paulette Tattersall DipPharm, MSc., Director of the Northeast Region for the nonprofit Prevent Blindness explain what school nurses need to know regarding ChildrenÂ’s Vision, emphasizing the importance of early detection of vision issues. Created 10/5/18. Reviewed 6/24/21.

Contact hours: 2.5           Cost: $25            Length: 2.5 hours

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COVID-19 Pharmacological Therapeutics

Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 10-52-51 AM Brandon Dionne, PharmD dicusses COVID 19 therapeutics in the outpaitient setting, reviewing mild to severe COVID disease, appropriate medication choices of anti-virals for providers,and client case studies regarding medication choices. He also includes a link for drug interactions with COVID medicaitions.

               Contact hours:  1                Cost $20              Length: 60 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-05-17 Date Expires: 2025-05-17

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Current Substance Use & Abuse Among Youth & Assessment Awareness

Peter Buck pic Chief Peter Buck, Drug Recognition Expert (DRE), presented current drug trends seen in our communities, identified current substances being used in MA, describes drug paraphernalia, as well as identification of physical and clinical signs of impairment we might observe in our health offices.  This presentation was given at the Summer Academy, on August 9th, 2022.

          Contact hours: 1.5          Cost: $25             Length: 1 hour, 30 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.5 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 75 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-08-29 Date Expires: 2025-08-29

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Data is Your Friend

1 Kathy pic 2 copy This program consists of two screencast tutorials created by NEUSHA Directors Kathy Hassey and Jenny Gormley. They are designed to increase school nurse knowledge, confidence in skills related to tracking student health data in their practice and sharing it with their school community. Created 4/24/18. Reviewed 12/5/22. 

                    Contact hours: 1        Cost: $25        Length: 60 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-12-05 Date Expires: 2025-12-05

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Dermatology: Contact Dermatitis and Counterfeit Cosmetics

Brenna Pic newBrenna Morse, PhD, FNP-BC, NCSN, CNE, PMGT-BC discusses contact dermatitis related to counterfeit cosmetics.  She discusses student presentation and differentiating irritant and allergic dermatitis.  She also dicusses the intervention to address the issue as well as teaching points to share with students. New program 4/11/2022.

                                Contact Hour: 1                   Cost: $20                   Length: 1 hour

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-04-11 Date Expires: 2025-04-11

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Diabetes Numeracy: Enhancing Knowledge and Confidence of School Nurses

Ann Linehan, DNP, MSN, RN presents a diabetes overview as well as tips regarding diabetes numeracy for school nurses. Also included is the printable diabetes calculation numeracy card and other resources for school nurses working with students with diabetes. Created 6/15/18.  Reviewed 8/9/22

 Contact hours: 1.5      Cost: $25    Length: 1.5 hours

Contact Hour(s): 1.5 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 75 mins
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-08-09 Date Expires: 2025-08-09

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Panel for School Nurses

1 Diversity Dr. Kate King discusses the work of the NASN DEI Task Force and panelists Brianna Cormos, school nurse, and Brenda Lormil, FNP-C, Founder of HAMA discuss DEI in the school, hospital and community settings.  This presentation was given at the School Nurse International Conference in Boston, July 19, 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.5 Cost: $30.00 Length of Program: 90 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2023-09-04 Date Expires: 2026-09-04

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E-Cigarettes and Vaping: The Facts about the Epidemic and the Risks to Adolescents

Feeney-Susan-WorcesterVaping and the use of e-cigarettes is a public health crisis for our adolescents.  This recorded webinar presents this issue for a better understanding. Created 3/13/19. Reviewed/Renewed 3/13/22

Contact Hour(s): 1 Cost: $15.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-03-13

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Eating Disorders in the School Setting: Identification and Management

A Holyer picAnnie Hollyer, BSN, RN is the Director of Residential Nursing at the Cambridge Eating Disorder Center (CEDC).  CEDC is a nationally renowned specialty center providing a full continuum of care to individuals who struggle with eating disorders. She discusses the trends and treatment for those with various modes of eating disorders. The presentation was given at Summer Academy on August 9th, 2022.

                       Contact hours: 1       Cost:  $20         Length: 1 hour

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-08-27

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Endometriosis Awareness for School Nurses

Kip McKenzie picDr. Kip Mackenzie speaks about the origin of the mistreatment/misdiagnosis of endometriosis.  Endometriosis affects at least 10% of women worldwide and is still misunderstood.  Dr. Mackenzie explains the signs and symptoms of endo, and how school nurses awareness will positively impact students getting referral and treatment for endometriosis. This was presented at the School Nurse International School Nurse Conference in Boston, MA on July 18, 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.5 Cost: $30.00 Length of Program: 90 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-09-01

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Environmental Health: What School Nurses Need to Know

1 Emily and Julia pic  Julia Varshavsky, PhD, MPH and Emily Zimmerman, PhD, CCC-SLP, both professors at Northeastern University, discuss environmental issues globally that are impacting children and adolescent health.  This presentation was given at the School Nurse International Conference in Boston on July 20th, 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-09-06

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Evaluating a Newly Developed Tool to Assess Students who are Experiencing Homelessness

1 Pooja and Maria Dr. Maria Anidi and Dr. Pooja Bhalla present a quality improvement approach to strengthen collaboration between school nurses and other school team members regarding student homelessness. Information is provided regarding the development and evaluation processes of a newly developed Homelessness Assessment Tool. Strategies to facilitate communication and improved care coordination of students experiencing homelessness are discussed. This webinar took place on February 2, 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $0.00 Length of Program: 1 hour
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-02-02

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FREE PATH: Pediatric to Adult Transition in Healthcare: Empowering school nurse to take the first steps

1 (2)  Lorena Gaskill MN, BA, RN is an Assistant Professor of Nursing at the Chaminade University of Honolulu who practiced school nursing for 13 years. Lory discusses the need for adolescents to be assisted with transitioning from pediatric healthcare to adult healthcare.  This includes health literacy as well as learning to advocate for themselves. Ms. Gaskill is currently pursuing her Doctorate of Nursing Practice from The University of Pennsylvania where she hopes to focus on assisting children and families with the transition from pediatric to adult health care. This is a recorded webinar from January 12, 2023.


Contact Hour(s): 1.25 Cost: $0.00 Length of Program: 75 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-01-12

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FREE School Nurses Writing a Professional Biosketch

The following program was created as part of a Nursing Administration Graduate practicum project. Having a professional biosketch allows the nurse to share their professional and clinical expertise with the viewer. Created 3/1/2021 Reviewed and Renewed 9/9/2024

Contact hours: 0.5     Cost: FREE      Length: 30 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 0.5 Cost: $0.00 Length of Program: 30 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2027-09-09

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HEAL Asthma Education Modules Part 1 (Healthy Environments Advance Learning)

1 Geri and Paula pic Paula Giraldo, BA and Geri Medina, MPH, BA present the first modules for HEAL Asthma Education: An Introduction to Asthma Friendly Schools and Maintaining an Asthma Friendly School: A School Wide Approach. These are the first 2 modules in a series.

Contact Hour(s): 1.5 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 1 hour
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-12-11

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HEAL Asthma Education Modules Part 2 (IPM, Green Cleaning, Leaks and Moisture and Clutter)

HRIA 3 pic (1)1 4 pics Asthma Education: Healthy Environments Advance Learning Part 2. HEAL Asthma Education: An Introduction to Asthma Friendly Schools and Maintaining an Asthma Friendly School: A School Wide Approach.These modules cover Integrated Pest Managment, Green Cleaning, Leaks and Moisture and Clutter impacting children’s asthma in schools.

Contact Hours: 1              Cost: $20                    Length: 60 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2027-03-14

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HEAL Asthma Education Modules Part 3 (Air Quality, Tobacco and E-cigarettes and Fragrance, and Extreme Heat)

Contact Hour(s): 2.50 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2027-06-13

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How Does Telehealth Work in the School Setting?

This webinar took place on Jan. 6th, 2019 and was recorded via BlueJeans. Kelli Garber, MSN, APRN, PPCNP-BC, Lead Advanced Practice Provider and Clinical Integration Specialist for the Center for Telehealth at the Medical University of South Carolina, and Lynn Floyd, School Nurse and Telehealth Presenter, explain how telehealth works in the school setting. Created 1/24/19. Reviewed: 12/11/22-12/11/25.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $15.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-12-11

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Life-Threatening Food Allergies: Essentials for Nurses & Others Working in Private & Public School Settings

mike pistiner pic

  Dr. Michael Pistiner discusses life-threatening allergies, triggers, and how to manage them in the public and private school setting.  This is a recorded webinar. Created 3/16/19.  Reviewed 3/22. Added resources from updated data on Sesame being the new 9th allergen.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $15.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-03-16

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MA School Based Medicaid and School Nurses: an educational activity to support student health and success in school

1 Emily Margot

This is a recorded webinar by Emily Hall and Margot Tracy explaining the Massachusetts School-Based Medicaid program for school nurses. They cover the logistics of documentation, the vital Random Moment in Time Study (RMTS) information, and provide resources for learning about School-based Medicaid. They provide examples of direct services and indirect services provided by school nurses. This program is underwritten by Exergen Corporation. Live webinar was on 5/4/2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.25 Cost: $10.00 Length of Program: 1.25 hours
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-05-04

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Mental Health in Adolescents-Challenges & Promising Efforts

1 Valnetina picDr. Valentina Baltag, head of the Adolescent and Young Adult Health unit in the Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health and Ageing at the World Health Organization, discusses adolescent mental health. She presents the “Helping Adolescent Thrive Toolkit” from WHO.  This presentation was given at the School Nurse International Conference in Boston on July 21, 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-09-05

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Mindfulness in the School Health Office: Practice implications for school nurses

Jamy Gaynor presents her doctoral work describing how school nurses practicing mindfulness for just 5 minutes in the morning, positively impacted their school nursing practice.  This presentation was videotaped at the 2019 Summer Academy in Hyannis, MA. Created 9/9/19. Reviewed 12/22/22.

Contact hour: 0.5   Cost: $10   Length: 30 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 0.5 Cost: $10.00 Length of Program: 30 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-12-22

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Narcolepsy Impacting Students: Overview and School Accommodations

Narcolepsy Impacting Students: Overview and School Accommodations is presented by Dr. Kiran Maski, a Neurologist at Boston Children’s Hospital.  The pathophysiology of Narcolepsy is explained and the impact on students’ academic success, emotional support and school accommodations are discussed. Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Survey added.Created December 2016.

Contact Hour(s): 1.5 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 1.5 hours
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-05-23

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Newly Arrived Refugees and Immigrant Students and Families: Challenges and Opportunities

Pic Immigration speakers These expert speakers discuss the opportunities regarding working with our newly arrived immigrant and refugee families.  Speakers discuss available resources for the various needs of these students and families.  They also discuss the need for appropriate translation services. This presentation was from November 7th, 2023 conference.

Contact Hour(s): 2 Cost: $40.00 Length of Program: 2 hours
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-11-29

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NJSSNA Leaders at the Forefront of School Health March 19, 2022

Screen Shot 2022-03-21 at 7-34-08 PMLeaders at the forefront of school health: The New Jersey State School Nurse Association Spring Conference. Barbara Glickstein presented on advocacy and using our school nurse voice to advance practice.  Dr. Janice Selekman presented on Violence and Youth and Donna Mazyck discussed Leadership Lessons Learned During the Pandemic. This is a recorded program on March 19, 2022.

Contact Hour(s): 3.0 Cost: $60.00 Length of Program: 180 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-03-22

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NJSSNA Legal Aspects in School Nursing Practice

Veronica Manlove new

Veronica Manlove MSL RN CEN presents Legal Aspects in School Nursing Practice for the New Jersey State School Nurse Association (NJSSNA) conference held on March 19, 2022. She discusses documentation and liability issues as well as some case studies.  

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-03-20

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NJSSNA Vision and Learning Dr. Rose Hughes

Rose Hughes picRose K. Hughes OD, FAAO discusses vision, learning and language, dyslexia and learning disabilities in youth.   This presentation was recorded from the New Jersey State School Nurse Spring Conference (NJSSNA) on March 19, 2022.

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-03-21

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Pediatric Cardiac Emergencies And COVID Impact on Youth

Julianne E pic Julianne Evangelista, DNP, APRN, CPNP-AC, FAHA is a pediatric nurse practitioner in the Benderson Family Heart Center at Boston Children’s Hospital.  She discusses pediatric cardiac emergencies school nurses might encounter. She discusses assessment and management of: Chest pain, Arrhythmia, Syncope /POTS, Congenital Heart Disease School issues, describes special considerations for children with heart disease in the school/outpatient setting and emergency treatment as well as COVID and cardiac implications.  This was presented at Summer Academy on August 8, 2022.

Contact hours: 1.1                     Cost: $20                       Length: 1 hour

Contact Hour(s): 1.1 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-08-26

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Preventing Violence Against Children & Youth – Global Status & the Role of Healthcare Providers

1 Valnetina picDr. Valentina Baltag, head of the Adolescent and Young Adult Health, Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health and Ageing in World Health Organization (WHO) discusses a global overview of the status of preventing violence against children and the role of health-care professionals. Globally, one out of two children experience violence each year. This presentation was given at the School Nurse International Conference, Boston on July 20, 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 0.5 Cost: $15.00 Length of Program: 30 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-09-13

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Promoting Healthy Outcomes for LGBTQ Youth

Jeff PicJeff Perrotti, MA, CAS presented at Summer Academy 2024 on Healthy Outcomes for LGBTQ  Youth and what school nurses can do to support them in schools.  Jeff provides resources for all school employees to utilize. Jeff continues to be an amazing advocate for students and families!

             Contact hours: 1.25                     Cost: $25                   Length: 75 mins

Contact Hour(s): 1.25 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 75 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2027-08-19

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Reproductive Health and Contraception

Esther pic

Esther Mackenzie DNP, MSN, RN discusses reproductive health and birth control for providers working with women.  She reveiws contraception measures, long and short acting, emergency contraception, pregnancy intention screening as well as the need for preconception counseling. Esther also presents available esources for pregnant women. August 2022

                                    Contact hours: 1        Cost: $20      Length: 1 hour

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-08-24

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Rhode Island School Nurses: Orientation to School Nursing in Rhode Island

RI 5 pics 1 RI Pics 24 RHODE ISLAND DOH/PARTNER Orientation Modules

Experts from the Rhode Island Department of Health present these five Rhode Island School Nurse Orientation modules. Modules include Introduction to Orientation to Rhode Island School Nursing parts 1 and 2, Rhode Island Department of Health Immunization Information, Rhode Island Oral Health Information, Rhode Island Asthma Program, and Rhode Island Department of Health School Nurse Perspective on Student Access to Sexual Health Services. Asthma module and Diabetes modules are included in the Orientation package. Reviewed May 20, 2024  Diabetes module added 9/10/24. Concussion Management Module added 1/6/25.

1 RI Concussion speakers

Contact Hour(s): 5.75 Cost: $120.00 Length of Program: 345 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2027-05-20

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School Medicaid Overview: Revenue Stream for Schools

1 BCT Bob Bundy explains School Medicaid and how this additional revenue stream can help support school health services. He explains the difference between Traditional and Expanded Medicaid and gives resources to explore to bring this funding into schools. Carilyn Rains and Tina Rusak discuss how they have implemented School Medicaid into their disticts with helpful hints and resources. There are 2 Breakout Sessions included: One for MA School Nurses and One for school nurses outside MA.This presentation was at Summer Academy 2024.

Contact Hour(s): 1.75 Cost: $35.00 Length of Program: 1.75
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2027-08-27

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School Medicaid Part 2: Stories from the Field: Advancing Health and Education Equity

4 speakers Feb 10 2022 Medicaid webinar

Part 2 of School based Medicaid information.  These stories from the Field address how School based Medicaid helps advance health and education equity. School Nurse leaders from Massachusetts, Kentucky and California discuss how they have worked on bringing school based medicaid into their district to help support health services. Alex Mays from Health Schools Campaign discusses the basics of School Based Medicaid.  This is a recorded webinar from February 10, 2022.  Program expires February 9, 2025.

Contact hours: 2        Cost: FREE

Contact Hour(s): 2 Cost: $0.00 Length of Program: 120 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-02-10

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Sexually Transmitted Infections: Trends and Treatment

Jane Adams picJane Adams DNPc, MSN, RN, FNP-BC specializes in women’s health issues.  She discusses the most current information regarding trends and treatments for sexually transmitted infections utilizing data from WHO and CDC.

             Contact hours: 1          Cost: $20           Length:1 hour

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 60 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-06-23

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Shining Light on Youth Emotional Wellness

1 Sarika Linda picSpeakers from Minding Your MInd ( Sarika Argarwal and Linda Price, discuss Youth emotional health. They talk about depression and anxiety, hope and resilience and strategies school nurses can use with our students. This presentation was given at the 2024 Summer Academy August 8, 2024.

                Contact hours: 1.5             Cost: $30                Length: 90 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.5 Cost: $30.00 Length of Program: 90 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2027-08-17

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SMARTIE Goal Creation for School Nurse Practice

Karen Rufo MS, PPCNP-BC presents SMARTIE Goal development for school nurses. This presentation contains School Nurse Professional and Student goal suggestions with many resources to help create your SMARTIE goals.
      Contact hours: 1     Cost: $20            Length: 60 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 1 hour
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2027-01-25

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Student Health- School Nurses & Gun Violence Prevention

RC NEW pic Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN, FNASN, FAAN presents on Gun Violense prevention in our schools. She addresses gun violence as a public health issue and how school nurses need to be  involved as public health nurses. Robin discusses the incidence of gun violence impacting our students and strategies to address the issue. This is a presentation from the Summer Academy 2022.

             Contact hours: 1.5            Cost:$25                 Length: 1 hour, 30 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.5 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 75 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-08-28

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Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Students

Jeff Pic Jeff Perrotti, MA, CAS, founding Director of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Safe Schools Program for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Students and Landon Callahan, a national speaker, presented information regarding how school nurses can establish and maintain a safe environmnent in schools for LGBTQIA students. This presentation was at Summer Academy, August 8, 2022.

                         Contact hours: 1.5                Cost: $25                         Length: 1 hour, 30 mins

Contact Hour(s): 1.5 Cost: $25.00 Length of Program: 90 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-08-31

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Tech Addiction in Youth, AI and Data for School Nurses November 7, 2023

1 Erin John pic John Kriger and Dr. Erin Maughan present on the topic of Tech addiction in our youth and how AI is impacting our students.  Dr. Maughan also discusses how AI will impact school nuring practice.  These presentations were recorded on November 7, 2023.

Contact Hour(s): 2 Cost: $40.00 Length of Program: 2 hours
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2026-12-04

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Transitioning into the School Nursing Specialty

1 Kathy pic 2 copy  This program was developed for nurses entering or contemplating entering the school nursing specialty. Re-created  9/9/2024.

Contact hours: 1         Cost: $20             Length: 60 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.0 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 1 hour
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2027-09-09

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Ukrainian Crisis Impact on Refugee Youth

Ukraine speakers picDr. Sandra Mattar is a Clinical Psychologist, and Director of Training of the Immigrant and Refugee Health Center at Boston Medical Center, discusses the trauma of war on children and families and what symptoms we might see as regugee families enter our schools. Lindsey Martin, NP, Director of Global Disaster Response and Humanitarian Action at Mass General and has just returned from the Ukrainian/Polish border and she discusses what she has seen with families leaving Ukraine. Nicole Kazarian, MSN, RN, NCSN is a Supervisor of Nurses in the Worcester Public Schools and discusses the collaborations needed to assist with Refugee resettlement and getting students into schools.  This program was created from our live webinar April 27th, 2022.

     Contact hours: 1.75              Cost: $20            Length of program: 1 hour 40 minutes

Contact Hour(s): 1.75 Cost: $20.00 Length of Program: 1 hour 40 minutes
Date Created/Reviewed: 2022-03-22 Date Expires: 2025-04-28

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The opinions expressed in the educational activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of Northeastern University, School Health Academy. Participants have an implied responsibility to use the newly acquired information to enhance patient outcomes and their own professional development. The authors, sponsors, and publisher of these continuing education programs have made all reasonable efforts to assure that all information contained herein is current and accurate in accordance with Massachusetts Department of Public Health School Health Unit protocols at the time of acceptance for publication.

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Fee varies according to the program being offered. No Refunds unless we are notified 5 days prior to the program